Horse Apple/Osage Orange/Hedge Apple Hazard
I have also complained to the Parks Department a number of times about the hazards posed by falling fruit from Bois D'Arc trees (I call the fruit, as do many other people, "horse apples," while others call them "Osage Oranges" or "Hedge Apples") and though they have assured me that they take such complaints seriously, they not only haven't done anything about it, but also have completely rejected out of hand my suggestion that signs warning of the danger be posted in the park at various places.
When I was a kid, a playmate threw a horse apple at me and hit me in the head, causing me to black out momentarily. It also left a big red painful knot on my forehead. Anyone who thinks that these things can't do any harm needs to think again!
I agree with the Parks Department that cutting down all the Bois D'Arc trees, some of which overhang the footpath, is impractical, and also undesireable due to the shade the trees provide and also the fact that they provide a place for birds and squirrels to nest. There are, by my count, at least seventeen of them in the park. When I suggested signage to the Parks Department, I was told "Signs could be used to raise awareness of the issue, but their use would create clutter in the area and detract from the natural ambience, which would also cause complaints." I'm sorry, but I just don't buy this. There are already multiple signs in the park telling people not to feed the waterfowl, and also to beware of game balls that might leave the playing areas (see photos below). Why not signs warning of falling Bois D'Arc fruit? I know of at least one place, Bulloch Hall (ancestral home of Theodore Roosevelt's mother) in Roswell, Georgia, that has such warning signs posted. Surely, there are others. I encourage visitors to this website to contact the Parks Department and urge them to put up one or more signs warning of this potential hazard. Maybe if they hear from more people they will actually take the problem seriously. The Parks Department Director is Yvonne Falgout, email Let her know if you support signage warning of falling fruit from Bois D'Arc trees.

Why this (left) and not this (right)?
